Job Name: Wastewater Treatment Plant Solids Handling Upgrade
T&L Project Number: 14665
Client Name: White Oak Public Service District
Location: Scarbro, West Virginia
Contact Person: Jeremiah Tuggle, P.E.
Pre-Bid Date: May 12, 2021 at 10:00 A.M. at the Oak Hill Church of the Nazarene Gymnasium, 1913 Main St. E., Oak Hill, WV 25901
Bids Received Date: June 3, 2021 at 10:00 A.M. at the Oak Hill Church of the Nazarene Gymnasium, 1913 Main St. E., Oak Hill, WV 25901
Project Description: The project generally consists of the construction of a new sludge dewatering process, new maintenance building and miscellaneous renovations and upgrades throughout the existing wastewater treatment plant.
Addendum(a): Addendum No. 004 – 04-30-21; No. 005 05-24-21
Bid Documents:
Est.Construction Cost Range: $3,000,000.00 – $3,200,000.00
Apparent Low Bidder 1.) Order Construction Company, – $4,100,800.00