Job Name: Renovations to V.O. Dobbins Head Start Center, Kingsport, Tennessee and Unicoi County/Erwin Head Start Center, Erwin, Tennessee
T&L Project Number: 15554
Client Name: Upper East Tennessee Human Development Agency
Location: Kingsport/Unicoi, Tennessee
Contact Person: Scott Wilson, PM
Pre-Bid Date: August 4, 2022 at 10:00 A.M. at the Upper East Tennessee Human Development Agency, 301 Louis Street, Kingsport, Tennessee 37660.
Bids Received Date: August 18, 2022 at 2:00 P.M. at the Upper East Tennessee Human Development Agency, 301 Louis Street, Kingsport, Tennessee 37660.
Project Description: Including new carpet, tile flooring and walls, as well as new electrical and walk-in freezer. Plumbing and kitchen upgrades, as well as electrical and flooring work on classrooms.
Addendum(a): Addendum No. 01 08-01-2022; Addendum No. 002 08-16-2022 
Bid Documents:
Apparent Low Bidder: