Roanoke Valley Broadband Authority

Roanoke Valley Broadband Authority

Roanoke Valley Broadband Authority

T&L was selected by the Roanoke Valley Broadband Authority (RVBA) in 2014 for Phase I and Phase II Fiber Optic Network design, including permitting and easement work throughout Roanoke County and the Cities of Salem & Roanoke, Virginia.

Highlights of the Phase I project included:

  • RVBA Phase I (NTP = 7/13/15; Completed 8/19/16) (Total Construction Cost = $4.1 Million)
  • Outside Plant (OSP) design & permitting
  • Designed 49 miles of buried 144 count fiber in 4-way Future Path conduit
  • Prepared network fiber utilization map and splicing diagrams
  • Designed 47 FTTx drops
  • Designed 2 miles of aerial 144 count fiber
  • Obtained following permits
    *VDOT Land Use Permit (LUP)
    *VMRC stream crossing permits
    *N-S railroad crossing permits
  • Provided bidding and construction phase services

Highlights of the Phase II project included:

  •   RVBA Phase II (NTP = 2/8/17; Completed 8/21/17) (Total Construction Cost = $2.7 Million)
  • Outside Plant (OSP) design and permitting
  • 36 miles of buried 144 count fiber in 4-way FuturePath conduit
  • Obtained following permits
    *VDOT Land Use Permit (LUP)
    *VMRC stream crossing permits
    *N-S railroad crossing permits
  • Provided consultation services associated with 36 miles of buried (bore and microtrenching), aerial, and bridge attachment fiber optic cable installation
  • Updated network fiber utilization map and splicing diagrams
  • Provided bidding and construction phase services


Roanoke Valley Broadband Authority

Service Type:
Civil Engineering

Project Value:
$6.8 Million 

Completion Date:

Project Area:
85 miles (buried)

Citizens Telephone Cooperative Fiber Design

Citizens Telephone Cooperative Fiber Design

Citizens Telephone Cooperative Fiber Design

The professional survey, engineering design, and permitting services of T&L were provided to Citizens Telephone for the implementation of an advanced, open-access fiber optic network that crosses portions of Wythe, Pulaski, Giles, Montgomery, Floyd, Roanoke, and Botetourt Counties in southwest Virginia.
The project consisted of the deployment of 186 route miles of fiber along the I-81 Corridor and adjacent routes. Major segments of the project included:

  • Wytheville to Exit 150 in Botetourt County;
  • Dublin in Pulaski County to Pearisburg in Giles County along Route 100;
  • Town of Floyd to Christiansburg in Montgomery County along Route 8; and
  • Route 8 in Riner along Childress Road and Tyler Avenue through the City of Radford with a connection to the fiber at Route 11 and Route 114 at Fairlawn.

In total, the project consisted of approximately 159 miles of buried and 27 miles of aerial construction. This project was financed by a National Broadband Technology Opportunities Program (BTOP) grant through the National Telecommunications and Information Administration and also part of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act.
Total Construction Cost was $6.4 Million.


Citizens Telephone Cooperative

Service Type:
Civil Engineering

Project Value:
$6.4 Million 

Completion Date:

Project Area:
159 miles (buried)
27 miles (aerial)

Wise County Landfill

Wise County Landfill

Wise County Landfill

Thompson & Litton, Inc. (T&L) has been working continuously with Wise County (County) on numerous solid waste management issues since the late 1980’s. A very brief summary of T&L’s assistance over the past three (3) decades as follows:

  • Solid Waste Master Planning Assistance
    *Landfill Master Plan. The Master Plan established a 48.7 acre footprint for the landfill developed in five (5) separate phases
  • Development of Landfill Alternatives
    *T&L evaluated many different solid waste disposal alternatives for the County as major decision points approached
  • Financial Analysis
    *T&L developed detailed financial models for each alternative disposal alternative under consideration
  • Landfill Expansion Projects
    *T&L has provided design, permitting, bidding, and construction phase services for Wise County on five (5) separate horizontal landfill expansions
  • Vertical Landfill Expansions/Variance
    *T&L has provided design, bidding, and construction contract administration for multiple vertical expansions along the highwall in accordance with the approved variance and associated highwall liner design
  • Landfill Engineering/Mining Demonstration for Landfill Stability
    *T&L assisted Wise County with the development of an engineering demonstration to enable full use of the landfill footprint therefore maximizing the life expectancy of the site

Other Services


  •  DEQ Regulatory Compliance with Ongoing Monitoring Programs involving Groundwater Monitoring, Gas Monitoring, and stormwater monitoring
  • Evaluation and procurement of daily cover
  • Minor Permit Modifications for alternative daily cover materials, tire shredder
  • Closure cost estimates for use by Wise County for Financial Assurance documentation
    Life expectancy and compaction studies


Wise County

Service Type:
Civil Engineering

Project Value:

Completion Date:


Tazewell County Landfill

Tazewell County Landfill

Tazewell County Landfill

Thompson & Litton provided consulting services for the Tazewell County Solid Waste Management System including surveying, planning, engineering design, permitting, bidding/construction administration, and inspection services on an as needed basis.

A sampling of T&L’s services included the following:

  • Financial analysis of landfill capital and operational costs;
  • Life expectancy and cost analysis study of the current landfill and present it to the board with recommendations for future projections;
  • Surveys and geotechnical evaluations;
  • Major permit amendment for undeveloped areas of the landfill to include design, operational, and closure plans;
  • Design services for the construction of a composite liner system for the Phase IV area of the solid waste landfill; and
  • Design and permitting of a Solid Waste Convenience Station adjacent to the landfill for public use.  



Tazewell County

Service Type:
Civil Engineering

Project Value:

Completion Date:


Town of Alderson, WV – Water Project Experience

Town of Alderson, WV – Water Project Experience

Town of Alderson, WV Water Project Experience

Location: Greenbrier and Monroe Counties, West Virginia

Project: Miscellaneous Consulting Services related to water treatment plant operation.
Est. Cost: Local funding
Status: On-going

Project: Comprehensive Water Treatment Plant and Distribution System Report and Study.
Status: Report Complete

Project: Phase I
Feasibility study, design, construction administration and inspection of two water storage facilities, raw water intake, 350-gpm facility and distribution system.
Est. Cost: $900,000
Status: Completed

Project: Phase II
Study Design, construction and inspection of water treatment plant expansion including presedimentation basin, raw water intake, and above ground storage.
Est. Cost: $1,000,000
Status: Completed January 1991


Town of Alderson, WV

Service Type:
Civil Engineering 

Project Value:

Completion Date:

Project Area: