Town of Abingdon Waldon Road
Town of Abingdon Waldon Road
T&L was selected by the Town of Abingdon, Virginia to provide professional engineering design services for the Walden Road Pedestrian Improvements project.
The project involved:
- Upgrades to the existing Walden Road Pedestrian Walkway to enhance pedestrian access and improve safety;
- Design and construction of sidewalk, curb and gutter, storm drainage, and associated items along the north side of Valley Street and on the north side of Walden Road from Valley Street.
The scope of services consisted of:
- Field visits, data collection and survey needed for design, establishment of survey control, rights-of-way acquisition and easements;
- Identification of all public and private utilities affected;
- Erosion & sedimentation control plan and narrative for the project, including analysis of the need for stormwater management.
- Design development of improvements included design plans, specifications, cost estimates and construction administration for the completion of the improvements.
Town of Abingdon
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