Town of Abingdon Waldon Road

Town of Abingdon Waldon Road

Town of Abingdon Waldon Road

T&L was selected by the Town of Abingdon, Virginia to provide professional engineering design services for the Walden Road Pedestrian Improvements project.

The project involved:

  • Upgrades to the existing Walden Road Pedestrian Walkway to enhance pedestrian access and improve safety;
  • Design and construction of sidewalk, curb and gutter, storm drainage, and associated items along the north side of Valley Street and on the north side of Walden Road from Valley Street.

The scope of services consisted of:

  • Field visits, data collection and survey needed for design, establishment of survey control, rights-of-way acquisition and easements;
  • Identification of all public and private utilities affected;
  • Erosion & sedimentation control plan and narrative for the project, including analysis of the need for stormwater management.
  • Design development of improvements included design plans, specifications, cost estimates and construction administration for the completion of the improvements.



Town of Abingdon

Service Type:

Project Value:

Completion Date:

Tunnel Maintenance and Administration Services

Tunnel Maintenance and Administration Services

Tunnel Maintenance and Administration Services

Thompson & Litton, Inc., in conjunction with Vaughn & Melton of Middlesboro, Kentucky, organized Transportation Operation & Management, LLC (TOM, LLC) to provide broad based services to the transportation industry. The first project secured by the organization was Lot 2 of the “VDOT Statewide Tunnels, Moveable Bridges and Customer Service Center O&M Staffing and Support” Project. The initial requirement of the contract was to establish fire brigades for emergency response capability at the Big Walker Mountain Tunnel and East River Mountain Tunnel on Interstate 77 in Bland County, Virginia. Each tunnel contains both northbound and southbound tubes which are approximately one mile each.

Each tunnel now has a fire brigade consisting of 4 Emergency Response Teams (ERT). Each ERT has four fully trained firefighters, one of whom serves as the Team Leader. Including full time on-site training and management personnel, a TOM, LLC staff of 37 full time employees are required for 24/7/365 coverage.

The contract requires TOM, LLC to acquire all emergency response apparatus including two on-site fire trucks and related equipment for first responders as required by state and federal guidelines and regulations.

Additionally, in its support role and through individual task orders, TOM, LLC provides VDOT with routine maintenance services. Representative activities include items such as exhaust fan upkeep, gutter cleaning, mechanical/ electrical response teams, lighting maintenance and multiple small activities not normally performed in-house by VDOT staff.



Virginia Department of Transportation

Service Type:

Project Value:

Completion Date:


CFX Construction Administration

CFX Construction Administration

CFX Construction Administration

The Coalfields Expressway (US Route 121) project is a proposed expressway owned by the Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT) connecting portions of extreme Southwest Virginia from Route 23 in Pound located in Wise County, Virginia to the West Virginia state line just north of Buchanan County, Virginia stretching 51 miles across Buchanan, Dickenson, and Wise Counties. The towns and communities in these areas currently have poor access to a modern highway system as a result of the mountainous terrain characterized by steep ridges and narrow valleys indigenous to the region. The Coalfields Expressway (CFX) is a project that would allow, with the implementation of a four lane highway, portions of extreme Southwest Virginia access to outlying commercial prospects.

T&L was retained by Kellogg, Brown & Root in August 2002 as a subconsultant for Roadway Engineering in the development of the CFX. Specifically, T&L provided:

  • Extensive roadway design engineering for Section A;
  • Coordination of a utilities relocation plan, including field inspections and utility relocation plans for water and sewer for Section A and coordination with local utility companies;
  • Property and other related surveying; mine mapping; and
  • Preliminary Engineering and Mine Evaluations for Sections B & C of the highway.

Since 2013, T&L has been providing Construction Administration and Project Management services to VDOT and AECOM for the U.S. Route 460 Connector Phase II Project in Buchanan County, Virginia. The approximate $108 Million project consists of:

  • 6.2 miles of 4-lane divided highway constructed to rough grade;
  • Coal Synergy which allows the contractor and VDOT to share in the value of incidental coal encountered within the project limits.

The Coal Synergy feature is coordinated through the Virginia Department of Mines, Minerals, and Energy (DMME) by means of a Government Financed Exemptions (GFE) permits in accordance with all federal and state legal requirements. In addition, certain roadway embankments are being constructed in accordance with DMME regulations for disposal of excess spoil in valley fills, head of hollow fills, and durable rock fills.



Service Type:

Project Value:
$108 Million

Completion Date:

Project Area:
6.2 miles

Virginia Department of Corrections Greensville Prison Upgrades

Virginia Department of Corrections Greensville Prison Upgrades

Virginia Department of Corrections Greensville Prison Upgrades

T&L, in association with R&S Corporation, was selected by the Virginia Department of Corrections (VDOC) to provide Designer Led-Design Build services for the design and construction of a new and complete $14.7 Million upgrade to the security and building systems at the Greensville Correctional Center (GCC).

This work was completed within the secure operating environment of a fully functioning correctional center, and required check-in/check-out of all tools, materials, equipment and personnel, as well as security escorts for all work crews. Construction team members on this project included T&L, R&S Corporation and JCI/Madel Enterprises.

The basic components of the project involved:

  • Security electronics control system improvements for the Administration Building, ten housing units, three program support buildings, the medical services building and the L building;
  • Fire Alarm System replacements with new intelligent addressable Fire Alarm Control Panels for all buildings (including the towers); and
  • Significant Detention equipment upgrades throughout the facility.


Virginia Department of Corrections

Service Type:
Designer Led Design Build

Project Value:
$14.7 Million

Completion Date:


New River Resource Authority Landfill Expansion & Partial Closure

New River Resource Authority Landfill Expansion & Partial Closure

New River Resource Authority Landfill Expansion & Partial Closure

T&L partnered with the NRRA in late 2010 under the PPEA procurement method to act as the Design-Builder for the design, permitting, and construction of a new 13.5 acre landfill cell, 6.5 acre landfill closure and a new 10,000 SF maintenance facility at the New River Resource Authority Landfill in Dublin, Virginia.

The work for the project included:

  • Design, permitting and construction of approximately 13.5 acres of new landfill area/cell;
  • Removal of 475,000 cubic yards of sub-base material;
  • Placement of approximately 600,000 square feet of composite liner system;
  • Multiple permit amendments consisting of revisions to the stormwater management plan, construction blasting plan, leachate collection and refinements to the facility layout;
  • Design, permitting and construction of an approximate 10,000 SF maintenance building and all associated utilities, parking and roadway;
  • Design, permitting and closure of approximately 6.5 acres of landfill area to include the installation of a landfill capping system, 12 new gas wells and 2,200’ linear feet of gas collection system; and
  • Design and construction of all required support infrastructure including utility extensions, access roads, and stormwater facilities.



New River Resource Authority

Service Type:
Designer Led Design Build

Project Value:
$9 Million

Completion Date:

Project Area:
13.5 acre landfill cell
6.5 acre landfill closure
10,000 sf maintenance facility