TDOT State Route 29
TDOT State Route 29
T&L was retained by the Tennessee Department of Transportation (TDOT) to provide professional transportation related services for the State Route 29 (U.S. 27) improvements project.
The project consisted of various field surveys and the design and preparation of preliminary plans for:
- A 2.90 mile section of four-lane divided highway rural section in a new location with a design speed of 70 miles per hour from 0.7 mile south of Westminster Road to State Route 62 in Wartburg, Tennessee.
- The connection at State Route 62 included a trumpet interchange.
- Approximately 4,700 linear feet of side roads and approximately 2,800 linear feet of interchange ramps at the State Route 62 connection.
The project was developed to the Preliminary Plan stage. TDOT conducted a public meeting and the information obtained at the public meeting resulted in relocation of this section of State Route 29 back to the existing alignment.
T&L was subsequently retained by TDOT to provide the following scope of services:
- Surveying and design services for upgrade of 5 miles of two-lane existing State Route 29 roadway to five-lane (center turn lane) urban section roadway with a design speed of 50 miles per hour;
- Curb and gutter and 6,900 linear feet of side roads and both open and closed stormwater conveyances;
- Preliminary design included consideration of both erosion and sediment control and stormwater management facility locations with regard to right-of-way impacts associated with the project.
The project extends from 0.5 mile north of Ray Cross Road and Mossy Grove Road (formerly Westminster Road) to old State Route 62 in Wartburg, Tennessee.
The Right-of-Way Field Review was conducted with TDOT in August 2017. T&L is now the process of finalizing the Right-of-Way Plans.
Tennessee Department of Transportation (TDOT)
Service Type:
Project Value:
$39.6 Million
Completion Date:
Project Area:
6,900 linear feet