Norton Elementary School

Norton Elementary School

Norton Elementary School

T&L provided a preliminary planning and architectural/engineering design services for renovations to the Norton Elementary School and a new gymnasium and classroom addition. When first retained for the project by the City of Norton School Board, T&L began the project anticipating completion in two phases.

Phase I project highlights include the following:

  • Upgrade to the kitchen facilities since food preparation for the elementary school was being handled by the high school(only a warming kitchen and serving lanes were available at the elementary school);
  • The project included an addition to, and partial renovation of the elementary school to accommodate a full service kitchen of approximately 1,500 SF;

Phase II project highlights include the following:

  • Full renovation of the school and additions including a new gym, administration wing, and an expansion and relocation of the library;
  • The new gymnasium consists of one regulation basketball court with hardwood floor, bleachers for 250 spectators, two cross practice courts and support facilities.



City of Norton School Board

Service Type:

Project Value:
$7.1 Million

Completion Date:

Project Area:
83,720 SF

Eastside High School

Eastside High School

Eastside High School

T&L partnered with the Wise County School Board (WCSB) to provide architectural and engineering services for the renovation and expansion of the Eastside High School, which is located in Coeburn, Virginia.

  • A sampling of Project highlights include the following:
  • Renovation of of existing high school structure and new additions;
  • Renovation work consisted of all instructional, food service and athletic venues.
  • The new additions provided a new student commons and a public facing entrance to the school as well as administrative facilities and a new science lab/classroom addition.

Square Footage: 65,000 SF (Renvoation) and 10,200 SF (New Additions)



Wise County School Board

Service Type:

Project Value:

Completion Date:

Project Area:
75,200 sf

Radford City Public Schools Needs Assessment

Radford City Public Schools Needs Assessment

Radford City Public Schools Needs Assessment

In November 2015, the Radford City Public School Board partnered with T&L and VMDO Architects to conduct a division-wide Comprehensive Needs Assessment. The goals of the Needs Assessment included the following:

  • Assisted the Radford City Public School (RCPS) Board in gaining an understanding of the condition and needs of their school facilities;
  • Prioritized those needs; and
  • Established order-of-magnitude costs associated with each need.

RCPS consists of eight primary facilities totaling approximately 300,000 SF distributed over 50-acres of property and serving 1,600 students. The facilities evaluated included Radford High School and Gymnasium Building, Dalton Intermediate School, Belle Heth Elementary School, McHarg Elementary School, the King Center, Armory Building, Vocational Building, and the School Administration Building.

In February, 2016 the Assessment was presented to the RCPS School Board and City of Radford Officials. The two-volume report included a summary of the following:

  • School System Overview
  • Visioning and Goal Setting Workshop
  • Physical Needs Assessment
  • Preliminary Order of Magnitude Cost Estimates for each Facility
  • Facility Condition Assessment Checklists
  • Appendices including facility floor plans, aerial photos and public input comments from a dedicated website

The recommendations provided guidance as to condition, remaining useful life, and approximate replacement cost. Presented in tabular form, approximately $17 million dollars worth of maintenance or code-related conditions that were categorized into immediate, 2, 5, and 10-year time-frames.


Radford City Public School Board

Service Type:

Project Value:

Completion Date:

Project Area:

Nickelsville Pedestrian Bridge

Nickelsville Pedestrian Bridge

Nickelsville Pedestrian Bridge

The Town of Nickelsville recognized the need for a safe passage between the Nickelsville Elementary School and Keith Memorial Park situated directly across State Route 71 from the school. T&L, in conjunction with Hill Studio, led a design team in the preparation of a Preliminary Engineering Report that studied the feasibility of a pedestrian bridge to link the school and the park. In consideration of this concept, T&L set the style of the bridge to act as a backdrop for the memorial. An Enhancement Grant from the VDOT TEA-21 Program was used to fund the program. T&L completed the design of the bridge and construction of the project. The project consisted of:

  • An 8’ x 80’ long steel framed covered bridge;
  • Handicap accessibility was provided by masonry and concrete ramps at either end;

In addition to design services, T&L also prepared final construction documents for the project including detailed drawings, specifications, contract documents and a final cost estimate.


Town of Nickelsville

Service Type:

Project Value:

Completion Date:


Town of Tazewell Route 61

Town of Tazewell Route 61

Town of Tazewell Route 61

T&L was selected by the Town of Tazewell to provide engineering services for this Locally Administered Project funded with Federal, State and Local money.

The purpose of the project was to improve safety and storage capacity on State Route 61 – a rural road in mountainous terrain – for approximately 0.93 miles. This was accomplished by:

  • Widening the pavement from 20 feet to 36 feet;
  • Provide a 12-foot center turn lane; and
  • Raising the grade through a low area sag curve to improve sight distance at existing commercial entrances.

The project included redesign of commercial entrances to meet the current VDOT Access Management requirements.

Development of plans for the project included:

  • plans for roadway,
  • utility coordination/relocation,
  • stormwater management,
  • drainage, phased erosion & sediment control (ES&C),
  • maintenance of traffic,
  • sequence of construction,
  • stormwater pollution prevention,
  • pavement marking,
  • signage
  • environmental permitting for the project

The roadway typical section included:

Both shoulder and curb and gutter sections. Drainage design included both open and closed storm drain systems. A unique component of the drainage design consisted of “slip lining” a deficient bridge structure with a large diameter pipe which will help minimize disruptions to traffic during construction.

Other tasks included conducting a public hearing, meeting with property owners that were donating rights-of-way for the project, bidding and advertising and construction administration services.

T&L’s engineering estimate for this project was $3.8 Million, with the low and high bids ranging between $2.7 Million and $4.4 Million, respectively. The low bid of $2.7 Million was awarded by the Town; therefore the project is significantly under budget. This $2.7 Million project was completed in August 2017.


Town of Tazewell

Service Type:

Project Value:
$2.7 Million

Completion Date:
August 2017

Project Area:
.93 miles