Stone Mill Business and Technology Park
Stone Mill Business and Technology Park
Upon acquisition of a 73 acre site known as the “Bundy Property”, located adjacent to the Virginia Highlands Community College and Exit 14 off Interstate 81, the Town of Abingdon, Virginia retained the professional services of T&L to provide professional engineering planning and design services for the Stonemill Business & Technology Park. Additionally, T&L developed a set of Design Guideline in order to provide guidance and continuity in achieving the Town’s vision for the overall character of the Park.
Some of the key project features include:
- Access via 2,400 LF of 4-lane divided and lighted access road and 1,400 LF of 2-lane connector road;
- 4,700 LF of 10-inch water line, 340 LF of sanitary sewer line, various landscaping enhancements including a walking trail, and park signage;
- 13 lots ranging in size from 2.5 to 10 acres; and
- A walking trail which parallels adjacent Wolfe Creek was constructed as part of the park development and is enjoyed by park tenants as well as non-tenants.
The Stone Mill Business and Technology Park is now home to the Virginia Highlands Small Business Incubator, a CPA firm, and the Washington County Government Center. The Incubator and Government Center were also designed by T&L.
Town of Abingdon
Service Type:
Civil Engineering
Project Value:
$2.2 Million
Completion Date:
Project Area:
73 acres