Job Name: Existing Collection System Replacement & Plant Modifications
T&L Project Number: 14657
Client Name: Center Public Service District 
Location: Pineville, West Virginia 
Contact Person: Stacy Fowler, PM
Mandatory Pre-Bid Date: October 6, 2020 at 10 A.M. will be held through a viz Zoom call meeting.   
Bids Received Date: October 27, 2020 at 2:30 P.M. at the Center Public Service District at their Wastewater Treatment Plant Office located at 1343 R.D. Bailey Highway in Pineville, West Virginia 24874.
Project Description:

The project generally consists of the following: 

Contract No. 1: Existing Collection System Replacement

Contract No. 1 will consist of a sewer collection main replacement in the downtown Pineville, West Virginia area along Sycamore Avenue and Rockcastle Creek; more specifically involving the installation of a little over approximately one (1.0) mile of gravity sewer ranging in size from 8-inches to 15-inches in diameter including all trenching reaching depths over fifteen (15) feet in some areas, installing gravity sewer aerially on concrete piers in some areas within Rockcastle Creek, one trenchless highway crossing and one open cut highway crossing, thirty seven (37) pre-cast concrete manholes, three (3) doghouse style concrete manhole, six (6) connections to existing manholes, twelve (12) partial demolitions of existing manholes, manhole testing, approximately sixty-four (64) existing service reconnections, approximately a quarter of a mile (0.25) of sanitary service line, asphalt milling, approximately three-hundred-fifty-four (314) tons of asphalt overlay, rip rap, supplying an engineer’s field office, mobilization/demobilization, and erosion and sediment control.

Contract No. 2: Plant Modifications

Contract No. 2 will consist of modifications to the existing Center Public Service District Wastewater Treatment Plant; more specifically replacement of two (2) sludge waste pumps, replacement of two (2) jet mix pumps, modification of the existing mechanical arc bar screen, new electric service entrance, installation of new centrifugal mechanical sludge dewatering equipment, installation of new lime feed, mixing, and conveyance equipment, replacement of existing metal roofing on one existing building, replacement of metal wall cladding on one existing building, installation of a pre-cast concrete sludge holding tank with access stairs and mixing equipment, various demolition, various process piping, installation of a new garage door in an existing metal building, misc. electrical, misc. HVAC, misc. painting, treatment plant control panel replacement, supplying an engineer’s field office, and erosion and sediment control.

Addendum(a): Addendum No. 004 – 10-20-20
Bid Documents:
Apparent Low Bidder: Contract I: 1.) Tribute Contracting & Consulting, LLC – $2,146,150.00, 2.) Pro Contracting, Inc. – $2,615,977.00, 3.) Mendon Pipeline, Inc. – $3,490,150.00; Contract II: 1.) DCI Shires – $1,710,000.00
Engineer’s Estimated Cost Range: Contract I: $2,292,100.00 – $2,473,100.00; Contract II: $1,232,400.00 – $1,329,700.00