Job Name: Dry Fork Water Line & Pump Station Upgrades
T&L Project Number: 16349
Project Code:
Client Name: Buchanan County Public Service Authority
Location: Oakwood, Virginia
Contact Person: Brian McGough, P.E.
Pre-Bid Date: Mandatory February 22, 2023 at 10:00 AM, Buchanan Co PSA Office
Bids Received Date: March 15, 2023 at 2:00 PM
Project Description: Contract I: the replacement of approximately 3,100 linear feet (L.F.) of 8-inch, 4,900 L.F. 6-inch, 11,600 L.F. 4-inch water line, and associated appurtenances.
Addendum(a): ADDENDUM NO. 001
Bid Documents:
Apparent Low Bidder: B&M Construction, Inc.
Est.Construction Cost Range: