Job Name: A New Building for High Knob Destination Center
T&L Project Number: 14381
Client Name: City of Norton, Virginia
Location: Norton, Virginia
Contact Person: Bill Thompson, PM
Pre-Bid Date: June 15, 2022 at 10:00 A.M. at the Norton City Hall located at 618 Virginia Avenue NW, Norton, Virginia 24273.
Bids Received Date:  July 21, 2022 at 11:00 A.M. at the Norton City Hall located at 618 Virginia Avenue NW, Norton, Virginia 24273.
Project Description: The project is generally described as the construction of a new building and associated site improvements including site entrance, parking lot, utilities, walks, trail, terraces, landscaping, lighting, and grading.
Addendum(a): Addendum No. 001 – 07-08-22, Addendum No. 002 – 07-15-22, No. 003 – 07-18-22
Bid Documents:
Apparent Low Bidder: 1.) Ball Construction Co. Inc. – $2,493,650.00 and 2.) $2,626,590.00