I-81 Safety Improvements

Thompson & Litton, in association with AECOM, was selected by VDOT to provide engineering services for the I-81 Corridor Safety and Operational Improvements Design-Build Project in Rockbridge County, Virginia. English Construction Company serviced as the Design Builder for the project.

The project is located in Rockbridge County, Virginia and included the addition of a truck climbing lane in the northbound direction of Interstate 81 from approximate mile marker 195.8 (approximately 0.3 mile south of Route 716) to approximate mile marker 202.5 (approximately 1.5 miles north of Route 710 at Exit 200, Fairfield). The total project length was approximately 6.7 miles including necessary transitions and tapers.

Transportation engineering design services included:

  • Truck climbing lane;
  • Replacement of three bridges located at Route 716, Route 712 and Route 710,
  • Improvements of the existing I-81 northbound left and right shoulders;
  • Drainage, erosion and sediment control, and stormwater management;
  • Maintenance of traffic plans;
  • Upgrades to all guardrails, guardrail transitions and end treatments; and
  • Retaining walls required for bridge structures.




Service Type:

Project Value:
$75 Million

Completion Date:

Project Area:
6.2 miles